Jenny & Maybell

Our backyard coop

Jenny, Haley, & Juliet

Jenny & Maybell
How it all started...
I was out doing chores one beautiful spring morning on our small farm in mid-Missouri, where we have horses, cattle, dogs, and chickens. My husband had recently added on a new outdoor area to our chicken coop. My chickens looked bored, and the outdoor space looked like it could use something to cheer it up a bit. The idea of a swing just popped into my head. I thought I would build it and see if they liked it.
My first attempts were not right. It wobbled and scared them, I kept at it. Finally I had a design start to take shape..But, would they use a swing? In a few days one of my braver hens tried it out, and they soon all loved it! It was not just a hanging perch to them, but an actual activity! They enjoy the motion of the swing, and the exercise. It is a joy to watch them swing on it. Though I like to let them free range, there are periods that they are better off being locked up. The Chicken Swing gives them something to do. I sure feel better knowing they have an activity.
It wasn't long until I started to think about getting it ready for retail. I wanted it to be safe for all breeds and ages, and have the ability to go in different style coops. I worked with engineers, manufacturers, and designers to finally get what you see now. I think every one with a coop needs The Chicken Swing. It truly is fun for the chickens and the people who care for them. A huge Thank You!! and a lot of eggs, to all who helped get Fowl Play Products and The Chicken Swing launched... If you still ask why?... It's simple... "Put some fun in your coop!"
We thank you for taking the time to learn more about our company.
From our backyard coop to yours,
Jenny & Brian Connell