Ideal width between rope is 14.5" (12"-18" OK)
Be sure to install The Swing to a solid and stable structure.
The Safety Side Ties are designed to eliminate the risk of a loop entangling your fowl during dismount. They also provide stability and swing in brooders and small coop setups, allowing The Chicken Swing to stay with your fowl from chick to adulthood.
Be sure to allow space around the swing for free movement. In a full swing setup, it is best to allow at least 24" around each side of the swing. Fowl are able to give the swing a vigorous kick after dismount. The lightweight perch and strength of the design is able to provide safety and durability, but is is always best to keep the space surrounding the swing as clear as possible.
Fowl enjoy jumping and fluttering up above their coopmates. Plan to set the swing 18" - 48" above the ground. When you newly introduce the swing, or for young fowl, you may wish to set the swing to hang only a few inches off of the ground. Raise the swing higher off of the ground as your fowl become more familiar with it.
The Crossmember reduces twist and spin of the swing. To adjust its height, loosen the knot below it and move the Crossmember up or down to best suit your setup.
Use the rope buckles to adjust the height and to level the swing. Loop rope from behind and then over, in order to meet up with the front of the rope buckle.